Is Your Dog Overweight? Try Out A Dog Boarding Facility During The Week

Work and other responsibilities can get in the way of spending a lot of time at home, which can make things difficult when you own a dog and want to give it the best life possible. Unfortunately, your dog may have become overweight in the past few months and now you want to get them healthy again. It will not be an easy task to handle during the week when you are at work for most of the day, so it is worth doing a trial run at a dog boarding facility by taking them there every morning during the workweek. Read More 

Tips To Help You Successfully Give Your Dog Medication By Injection And Pills

You may not be able to or not need to give all types of medical care or treatments to your dog. Often, you may need to give your dog their annual vaccinations or a dosage for a veterinarian-prescribed medication on your own, at home. When you need to give your dog a medication injection, an oral pill, here are some tips to help you accomplish it successfully. Giving Injections It is a good idea to always try to take your dog to the local animal hospital for someone there to administer a vaccination or other injection. Read More 

3 Tips For Caring For Your Dog

When you need to be sure that you can keep your dog healthy and strong once you bring them home, you will want to reach out to a veterinarian who can help you out. There are a lot of vet professionals you can entrust with this service, which is why you owe it to yourself to seek them out. With this in mind, factor in these points and get in touch with a veterinarian that can serve you. Read More 

Health Conditions That Can Cause Your Dog To Lose Its Balance

When a dog suddenly starts falling down and having trouble walking, it can represent a major health issue. If your dog is acting this way and does not seem to be able to keep its balance, you should probably bring it to an animal hospital. There are quite a few health conditions that can lead to a loss of balance with dogs. While all the health problems that cause this issue are not extremely serious, others are. Read More 

Licking Paws: Ways Vets Can Help Heal Pain & Damage Caused From Overlicking

A dog licking its paw may seem cute and a way for them to clean their bodies, but if the licking becomes obsessive, then it can often become a problem. Eventually, excessive licking can lead to a condition known as lick granuloma. The granuloma is basically a worn down patch of skin that may bleed, become sensitive, or scab over. Ignoring this problem can lead to a lot of pain for your dog and the potential for infections of the skin or blood. Read More