Health Conditions That Can Cause Your Dog To Lose Its Balance

When a dog suddenly starts falling down and having trouble walking, it can represent a major health issue. If your dog is acting this way and does not seem to be able to keep its balance, you should probably bring it to an animal hospital. There are quite a few health conditions that can lead to a loss of balance with dogs. While all the health problems that cause this issue are not extremely serious, others are. Read More 

Licking Paws: Ways Vets Can Help Heal Pain & Damage Caused From Overlicking

A dog licking its paw may seem cute and a way for them to clean their bodies, but if the licking becomes obsessive, then it can often become a problem. Eventually, excessive licking can lead to a condition known as lick granuloma. The granuloma is basically a worn down patch of skin that may bleed, become sensitive, or scab over. Ignoring this problem can lead to a lot of pain for your dog and the potential for infections of the skin or blood. Read More 

8 Foods That Should Never Go In Your Dog’s Mouth

If you have a dog who likes to beg shamelessly for food, you know just how difficult it is to say "no" to that face. However, before you give your dog any of your food, make sure it will not harm him. You probably already know that chocolate is toxic to dogs, but you might not be aware of how many other "people" foods are bad for your furry family member. Read More 

Head Pressing Is A Pressing Matter

Inserting a dog into your home and family's lifestyle is wonderful, but you may find the various tasks needed to care for your new family member overwhelming. From feeding and training to cleaning up after the dog, it is easy to see the challenges of having a pet. Unfortunately, many dog owners do not pay close attention to their dog's specific traits or habits. If your dog presses their head against a wall or other surface, you may think this is a quirky, unimportant behavior. Read More 

Indoor Cat That’s Bored And Fat? Here’s What You Can Do About That

Obesity is on the rise. In cats that is. Especially for indoor cats. While you might think that your plump pet is living a comfortable, pampered life provided by you, the adoring owner, the truth is not so rosy. Over 58% of cats in the United States are considered to be overweight or obese. Those extra pounds are accompanied by a myriad of health problems, diminished quality of life and a shorter life span. Read More