Preparing For Pet Surgery

Taking your dog in for pet surgery can be a little bit nerve racking. It is first and foremost important that you follow all instructions that the veterinarian gives you. This will ensure the safety of the your dog. However, there are a few simple thing that you can do that will help the surgery and the recovery run smoother. You want your dog to have the best experience possible going into surgery, but also during the recovery. Here are a few simple things that you can do to aid in the surgery process.

Bath and Trim

Often when your dog is going to go in for surgery, the veterinarian will have to cut the fur back to get to the area that they need to operate on. This can be much harder if your dog is dirty or if the dog has problems with his or her hair. In order to make the life of the veterinarian a little bit easier, you can bath and trim your dog really well before surgery. This will help a great deal during the surgery, but it will also keep the dog fresh for longer. After surgery there is a very good possibility that you won't be able to give you dog a bath for quite some time. 

Clean Dog's Bedding

It is important to clean the dogs bedding. First and foremost you want your dog to be as comfortable as possible, but you also want the recovery to go as quickly as possible. If you clean the bedding then you will be getting all the different bacteria off of the bedding. This is especially important after surgery because there may be an incision with stitches that needs to be protected. Cleaning your dog's bedding will make your dog feel more comfortable, but also protect against infections.

Prepare A Recovery Room

Just like with humans, one of the most important actions that a dog can take after surgery is no action at all. Rest is an integral part of the recovery process. It is very important that your dog is able to sleep and rest during the recovery. For this purpose it is a very good idea to prepare a recovery room for your dog. The recovery room should be a room that isolates your dog from the rest of the family. This is especially important if you have young children that want to play with your dog constantly. 
